Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blogging 101

Welcome to the afternoon update! Dad made it through a spinal tap this afternoon where they draw off some spinal fluid and administer a dose of medication at the same time. Mom said his spirits are up which is awesome.

I guess we've got some newbies amongst the readers of this blog who need some help on figuring this interweb thing out. Here is some help...

First please sign up to be a follower of the blog by clicking on the "Follow Blog" button way up at the very top of the web page. You will be able to sign up using a google, AIM or Yahoo account. If you don't have any of those then you will be prompted to sign up for FREE account in order to be a follower. You will then be able to upload a picture to your account and dad will be able to see all the people that are following his progress. Those aren't exactly step by step directions but should be enough to get even a novice up and going.

Right now it will just be Dad, Mom, Ronnie or myself that will make the posts to update. Anyone who signs up for an account will be allowed to make comments on the posts. As of now we haven't found a good "guestbook" format that allows people to post quick notes of encouragement like you may have seen on carepages or other things of this nature. Stay tuned to see what we work up.


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