Saturday, May 9, 2009

Still going...

As you can tell from the schedule we posted earlier, today will be the fourth consequetive day of chemotherapy and then dad will have a break for a couple of days. He's done a great job so far of getting through things. He had a little bit too much fluid pumped into him the past few days. He noticed his feet were swollen and they found he gained 10 pounds pretty much overnight. The staff in the unit took action immediately and commenced "Action Number One" to get 4 liters (about a gallon) out of him through natural methods (they gave him something to make him go to the bathroom - a lot). A.N.O. was deemed mission accomplished around 6pm last night. I only share this because as mom will tell you, this is just a small example of how well prepared and trained the staff is in the unit treating dad. No matter what the issue is they are ready to tackle it.

The outpouring of support from everybody has been great. Mom and dad have been getting emails, cards and phone calls from a lot of people offering praise and good wishes. Remember to keep Natalies' mom Karen and our good friend Larry in your thoughts as well.


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