Monday, June 8, 2009

Quick Update

Hey all, sorry its been so quiet here lately. In all honesty, its been hard to write anything given there hasn't been much to write about other than the baby steps that dad has been taking the last several days.

Overall, he appears to be doing better than last week. He seems to be much more aware and even showing signs of his humor returning. He's also starting to micro-manage his day again, which is another positive sign. Probably the biggest issue at this point is his overall weakness and the mouth ulcers. Obviously, eating is a chore but talking can be painful as well. In dad's own words, if it weren't for the sores, he would feel "ok". Then again, its all part of this wonderful journey we're on with this.

We're not sure if/when he'll be able to come home yet but we keep hearing talk that he'll start his third round within the next 10-14 days. The doctors are going to change his regimen given his reaction to the methatrexate, so we're not sure what the meds will be, timing, etc. We won't know much more until dad is recouped a bit and getting his counts back up. At this point, he had to have blood and platelets today, which is par for the course.

Anyway, we're holding steady. Wish he was feeling better, but he seems to be doing better than last week and we're seeing signs of the "old" Ron coming back. Keep praying and drop him a line when you get a chance. He could use a little encouragement.




paintedmonkey said...

Just wanted you to know that I visit this sight every day to see how you're doing. My prayers are for you every day as well. Keep plugging away! Much love to you and Tina.

paintedmonkey said...

Somehow I'm Sam in Google. This is Lee. Sorry about the confusion.