Friday, July 3, 2009


First I need to update everybody and let you know that dad is becoming more aware and is able to respond to people with blinks, head nods and squeezes of the hand. He is still in the ICU and still on the respirator but appears to slowly be coming out of the fog he's been in for the past two weeks.

This morning we discussed a change of plans with dad's physicians. The fungal infection that has taken hold of dad is the primary issue. This type of infection takes a long time to treat - weeks or maybe even months. The infection is causing dad to experience some neurological issues like loss of motor skills and extreme weakness in what the doctors call a form of neuropathy. It could take months of rehabilitation for dad to resume normal activities as a result of the toll the infection has taken on his body. Because of this dad will not be able to resume treatment for his lymphoma until his body is strong enough to take further chemotherapy. Our focus for the next few days is to see how dad improves and if he can get off the respirator. Sometime in the future we'll be making some decisions on how to continue his treatment in order for him to be as comfortable as possible.

For now, keep thinking happy thoughts.


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