Monday, July 6, 2009

Not too much to say today

From talking to mom today there really isn't much of an update regarding dad. He did start moving around a lot more over the weekend which in turn earned him a set of arm restraints so he doesn't try and pull the intubation out of his throat. One of our goals here sometime soon is to make a decision on the respirator. There are two ways we can go with his breathing; dad can have an endotracheal tube inserted via a surgical procedure which can aid with his respiratory rehabilitation or they can try to take the intubation out and see how he does. For the latter option it could be more traumatic for him if they have to reinsert the tube if he has problems. The former has it's drawbacks since it's a surgical procedure. Basically the doctors want to see dad more aware and awake before they make a decision. He has been showing signs of improving but we don't know if he's up to the task yet.

Tomorrow mom and I are heading out to meet with the palliative care staff to discuss comfort options for dad as he continues to battle the fungal infection, the neuropathy that has resulted and overall rehabilitation of his body. Palliative care is a course of symptom or pain management that is used for long term care of those with a serious illness. In dad's case it may be used in tandem with the treatment that has been underway for his fungal infection. As of today dad has been non-ambulatory since the start of June, was on sedation for about 5 days and has been extremely weak since entering the ICU three weeks ago. Hence the need to possibly start the palliative care. I never heard of that word until last Friday and I've already used it a couple times today in this entry.

Until later this week, keep thinking happy thoughts.


1 comment:

Wilma Carroll said...

Thinking about you all everyday.
Is pallitjve care done somewhere else?
Hang in there, our prayers are with you
Larry and Wilma